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Name: Serenity Rose
Wrestler's Gender: Female
Wrestler's Height: 5"8
Wrestler's Weight: 125lbs
Wrestler's Hometown:
Brooklyn, New York
Wrestler's Entrance: Hole in the Head - Sugababes
Wrestler's Look-a-like
(cannot be someone already used on the roster): Michelle McCool
Wrestler's Finisher: Thorn Sting
Description of
Finisher: Spin-out powerbomb into a kneeling pin
10 Favorite Moves:
Jackknife powerbomb,Headscissors
takedown, Russian legsweep, Tilt-A-Whirl Slam, Diving crossbody, Suicide dive, Frankensteiner, Superplex, Leg-feed enzuigiri,
Snap suplex
Background on Wrestler: Serenity
is known as a bit of a scrapper, she has always had to fight for what she wants and she's not scared of putting herself on
the line to do it. She never backs down from a fight and isn't afraid to play dirty if she needs to. Her friends call her
crazy for her highflying moves and willingness to do anything to win, but she doesn't care as she loves being in the ring
Career Highlights: None in ECFW
Face, Heel, or Neutral?: Neutral… But known to be a bad girl when she
needs to be!